Revolutionize Your Kitchen with SkyTab KDS

Transform your restaurant’s kitchen efficiency with SkyTab KDS, the cutting-edge kitchen display system designed for seamless order management and streamlined kitchen operations.


Revolutionize Your Restaurant's Service

Immerse in a high-tech dining experience where every detail is crisp, clear, and customer-centric. SkyTab Glass brings the future to your table.

Real-Time Updates

Instant order display and updates for efficiency.

Quick Turnaround

SkyTab Glass speeds up service for more efficient table management.

Customizable Display

Reduces errors and improves coordination.

Streamlined Workflow

Organize orders for optimum kitchen performance.


Automatically prioritize orders for timely preparation.


Adapt screen layouts to match kitchen workflows.


Seamlessly manage orders across different kitchen stations.

Alerts and

Stay updated with timely alerts for order status changes.


Comprehensive Solutions: Beyond Order-Taking


Comprehensive Solutions:
Complete Your POS Experience

Seamless Integration with Your POS System

SkyTab KDS integrates flawlessly with your existing POS system, providing a unified platform for order management.

Revolutionize Your Kitchen with SkyTab KDS

Experience the benefits of reduced wait times, increased accuracy in order preparation, and a more organized kitchen environment. Whether you operate a small café or a large restaurant, SkyTab KDS is adaptable to your specific kitchen needs, helping you serve your customers better and grow your business.”

Transform Your Business with SkyTab

Discover the power of SkyTab Glass today!